Tag Archives: dogs

Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI) – Harvest Mites

Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI) is associated with animals which have been walked in wooded areas or parkland in the autumn months.

Cases are characterised by lethargy, vomiting and rapid unconsciousness.

The Animal Health Trust (AHT) has asked owners to treat dogs with a Fipronil-based insecticidal spray before walks.

First reported in 2010, SCI still has no proven cause or cure.

More than 300 cases have been reported to the AHT study with 16 deaths. However vets admit many more cases are likely to have gone unrecorded.

Researchers at AHT said they now believed previous possible sources, such as fungi, algae or agricultural chemicals, were unlikely.

Attention was now focused on harvest mites, which many ill dogs had been bitten by.

The charity’s Head of Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology, Dr Richard Newton, said: “It could be coincidence or it could be part of the cause.

“We are coming at it from the other end to see if we can prevent the harvest mites causing a problem and see if that prevents SCI.”

Dr Newton said owners should spray the underside of the dog before walks. Treatments which applied drops to a single area were not thought to be effective.

Despite there being no known cure, Janice Dixon from McPherson and Partners vets at Rainworth, Nottinghamshire, said progress had been made.

“In 2010 when it was first reported on, 20% of the cases recorded died. Last year we had less than 2% died.

“Because the awareness is out there, people are bringing them in earlier and it makes our job so much easier to treat them,” she said.

AHT is studying the illness at five sites; Sandringham Estate and Thetford Forest in Norfolk, Sherwood Forest and Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire and Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk.

Leading up to Fireworks Night

Keeping cats and dogs secure

•         Make sure your dog or cat always has somewhere to hide if he or she wants to and has access to this place at all times. For example this could be under some furniture or in a cupboard.
•         During firework seasons, walk dogs during daylight hours and keep cats and dogs indoors when fireworks are likely to be set off.
•         At nightfall close windows and curtains and put on music to mask and muffle the sound of fireworks.
•         If your pet shows any signs of fear try to ignore their behaviour. Leave them alone unless they are likely to harm themselves.
•         Never punish or fuss over your pet when it’s scared as this will only make things worse in the long run.
•         Make sure your cat or dog is always kept in a safe and secure environment and can’t escape if there’s a sudden noise. Have your pet micro-chipped in case they do escape.

Just for dogs – before the firework season starts

Planning ahead can help your dog cope with the firework season.

Talk to your vet about pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog, in some cases your vet may even prescribe medication. If either of these options is used they should be used in conjunction with behavioural therapy. We would recommend asking your vet to refer you to a clinical animal behaviourist or using the ‘Sounds Scary’ therapy pack (see below).
Before the firework season starts provide your dog with a doggy safe haven, this should be a quiet area so choose one of the quietest rooms in your home. It should be a place where the animal feels it is in control, so don’t interfere with it when it’s in that area. Train your dog to associate the area with positive experiences eg. By leaving toys there but not imposing yourself at any time. Use a variety of toys and swap them regularly, putting them away when not in use so that your dog doesn’t become bored with them. With time your dog can learn that this place is safe and enjoyable. So when fireworks happen it may choose to go here because it knows that when it is here, no harm will come to it and so it’s more able to cope. It is important that your dog has access to its doggy safe haven at all times even when you’re not at home.

Just for dogs – when the fireworks start

•         Close any windows and black out the ‘doggy play area’ to remove any extra problems caused by flashing lights.
•         Each evening before the fireworks begin, move your dog to the play area and provide toys and other things that they enjoy. Make sure that there are things for you to do too so that your dog isn’t left alone.
•         Ignore the firework noises yourself. Play with a toy to see if your dog wants to join in, but don’t force them to play.
•         If you know a dog that isn’t scared by noises and which gets on well with your dog, then keeping the two together during the evenings may help your dog to realise that there’s no need to be afraid.

Sounds Scary – for dogs

In the long term your dog needs to learn to be less afraid of loud noises. With proper treatment this is possible so that the next firework season will be less stressful for you and your dog.

We recommend Sounds Scary, an easy to follow therapy pack for dogs which includes a specially made set of high quality sound recordings and an easy to follow guide. The amount of training needed will vary from dog to dog so owners should start training with the Sounds Scary pack well in advance of firework seasons. Visit Sound Therapy 4 Pets for more information and to download the therapy pack.

Just for cats

•         Make sure your cat has somewhere to hide if it wants to. For example this may be under some furniture or in a quiet corner.
•         Don’t try and tempt your cat out as this will cause it to become more stressed.

Don’t forget small animals

•         If your pets live outside, partly cover cages, pens and aviaries with blankets so that one area is well sound-proofed. Make sure that your pet is still able to look out.
Provide lots of extra bedding so your pet has something to burrow in.

Dog Boarding in London

Our luxury dog boarding kennels in London are second to none, providing a home-from-home to your canine friends. Located conveniently within easy reach of the M25, our 4 acre plot ensures that your dog has plenty of space to exercise, play and relax during his or her visit to Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel. Elmtree is where dogs go for their holidays – and our experienced, trained team of staff ensure the highest standard of care at all times.

Accommodation at Elmtree is ‘all suite’ with each kennel coming with its own separate leisure and sleeping areas. Each of our dog guests enjoy a private, fully covered exercise area, where they can exercise throughout the day and a separate quiet area where they can settle down and relax.

Each suite has been designed to keep guests as comfortable and contented as possible. They benefit from a temperature controlled environment that ensures the suites are cosy in the winter and cool in the summer and an outdoor aspect.

We have a number of suites that are equipped with ‘Pet watch’ an online webcam viewing service for owners who like to see how their pet is getting on.

Wow – what an experience!

Written by Tom – Manager at Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel

Yesterday I took my youngest German Shepherd (Leyla) to Bayford Hydrotherapy Clinic. I must firstly say that hydrotherapy can not only be a fun but vital part of a fitness regime but is also great for rehabilitation following illness, injury or surgery. I am always amazed by the amount of unfit / obese dogs I see! This was Leyla’s first hydrotherapy experience and I can honestly say she thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so, she wouldn’t get out of the pool at the end of her session. The lovely Lady (Karen) that owns the Clinic is clearly very experienced and knowledgeable, she explained everything to me and most importantly made sure Leyla had an amazing time. I would highly recommend Bayford Hydrotherapy Clinic to anyone who is dedicated to their dog’s health and fitness. Whilst writing this I am disappointed that I did not take any pictures to share with everyone, but I intend to make this a regular part of Leyla’s fitness regime so I will definitely upload some pictures of her next session.

Bayford Hydrotherapy Clinic: www.dogshydrotherapy.co.uk or 07528651725