Tag Archives: cats

Each cat has their own purr

Why cats purr:

The deep, throaty sound of a contented cat’s purr is more than just music to our ears. It speaks to us on many levels, often triggering precious childhood memories of our much-loved family cat or our first kitten, little paws kneading away and eyes closed in bliss as we snuggle up to the tiny, warm body and breathe in its sweet, furry smell.

Although the cat is almost unique in its ability to produce a purr, it doesn’t have any special mechanism to create the sound. There is no ‘purr button’ hard-wired to a cat’s ears or chin, despite the immediate response when you touch there! The noise appears to be caused by using a combination of its vocal folds and larynx to make air vibrate when it breathes in and out.

There are quiet ones and there are veritable little engines that we swear could almost be heard in the next room or even the next street! Some cats add little extra noises when they purr, some drool, some alternate purring with tiny mews, depending on what they want.

Reasons to Purr:

Any observant and insightful cat owner knows that cats don’t just purr to show pleasure. They also make the sound when hungry, giving birth, sick or fearful. We don’t fully understand why cats purr (another of the wonderful enigmas that make us love them so much) but one theory is that the sound serves as a kind of comfort mechanism to help the cat calm itself in stressful situations.

This means that a purring cat sitting in a corner of the cattery may not be super-delighted to be there, but quite the opposite and trying to comfort itself. Food for thought, isn’t it?

Healing Purrs and Purring Heals!

Many studies have shown that stroking a cat can lower blood pressure and that people who own a cat tend to be healthier and live longer than those who don’t. But what about the healing effect of that powerful purr?

We all know that cats have an uncanny ability to know that you are in pain and wrap themselves around the sore bit, even if that means maneuvering themselves on top of your head! Some cat owners swear that the sound of their cat purring helps cure a headache or a migraine.

Therefore it was only a matter of time before researchers turned their attention to a cat’s purr to see if the healing and comforting effect we experience has any scientific foundation.

Certain sounds at particular frequencies can aid healing in our bodies, helping bones heal more quickly, swelling to subside and tissue to regenerate faster. Scientists have conducted experiments to prove that a sound range of between 25 and 50 Hz improved healing of bone by 20%.

Bioacoustics expert Elizabeth von Muggenthaler recorded the purrs of many different kinds of cats (including the big cats) and concluded that domestic cats generally purr in the same 25 to 50 Hz range. It isn’t rocket science to make the connection! Cats purring really does help us heal.

Healthy Pet Food

Like most humans, Cats and Dogs are essentially carnivorous and hence require a daily diet of food containing meat; they need a balanced diet based on enzymes, minerals and other nutrients. According to the latest researches, many skin and coat problems are a direct result of a lack of raw animal fat in the diet. Pets need at least 30% raw fat and it should be avoided feeding your pet cooked meat or fat, excess of nutrients is not good for the health of the Pet and ready made dry food or processed food should also be avoided. A balanced combination of raw vegetables and raw meat should make for a perfect meal for your fury friend.

Pets should be fed according to their nutritional needs based on the age, health and activity level and puppies should be fed based on what they can consume in 5 to 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day depending on how many weeks old they are. For certain large breed of dogs it is recommended that several smaller meals be fed rather than one large meal.

These tips should be helpful in keeping your furry friend fit and happy every day!

Elmtree Pet Hotel

Elmtree Pet Hotel

If you’re a pet owner and expect the very best in animal care whilst you’re away, why not head over to our website and see what we can do for you and your pet?

If you like the idea of keeping in touch with your pet, some of our London Kennels are equipped with webcams to allow you to see your pet from anywhere, anytime.

Elmtree don’t just cater for cats and dogs. We also offer a boarding service for Rabbits, Hamster, Mice, Gerbils and many more!

For a list of our services and prices, head over to www.elmtreepethotel.co.uk.

Need help with hair?

Sometimes grooming can be an issue especially when your pet has more than their fair share of hair! Here at Elmtree Kennels we offer a friendly professional service across London. Whether you are looking for a full bath and brush up or a weeks worth of dog boarding, cat boarding or small pet care we can help you.

For more information on Dog Boarding in London or Catteries in London, or for general pet care, and grooming, please visit www.elmtreekennels.co.uk.